Posted on: 21.12.2022

The Light in the Darkness

So, another year has scampered by – and what a crazy year it’s been.

On this Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year (and the Celtic precursor to Christmas) I realise my favourite thing about winter is sitting by my open fire – hearing the logs crackle, watching the flames dance and tending the hearth. A simple yet profound pleasure that links me to my ancestors down the generations. 

When the news from the world is disturbing I need a safe space of cosiness to retreat to – whether it’s losing myself in a good book, chatting to a dear friend or watching The Wizard of Oz for the millionth time.

In these febrile times I find it takes more and more willpower to unhook myself from the addictive news cycle. Yet I know that pulling back from the endless stream of scary stories and withdrawing into a cocoon for a few days is hugely restorative. 

This holiday season I invite you to consciously unplug – delete that Twitter app, resist checking your phone first thing on waking. Whatever your addiction is, take a break from it for the holidays. 

The world will still be there in January and you’ll see it with fresh eyes and renewed energy.

Wishing you rest and peace over the holidays and may our paths cross in 2023.