Next Dates
2024 TBC
Hazel Hill Wood,
7 miles from Salisbury
For senior and aspiring women leaders
There is nothing like feeling your feet on the earth; listening to the Spring orchestra of birds busy nest building; gazing up at the full green tree tops stirred by Summer breezes; or scuffing through Autumn leaves….

Spending time in Nature is instantly restorative; it brings us back to ourselves and to the deep satisfaction of belonging to the natural rhythms of the world.
We will have time to rest, restore and regenerate; together we will talk about what is important to you now and for the future – creating our ‘ecologies of thinking’; and we will laugh and we will tell our stories around the camp fire, enjoying the company.
We will have space to explore the newly emerging paradigm of Eco-Leadership, drawing on the sustenance and quiet inspiration of nature and her cycles, to sustain us for the journey ahead.
Your Opportunity to

Find your equilibrium and deepen your resilience

Drop out of your thinking mind to connect with the wisdom of your heart and gut

Connect with the nurturing abundance of nature and feel held by a circle of inspirational women
What women say about our programmes
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